IGNITE your Inner Confidence

Join me inside a powerful 9 week HeartHealing® coaching programme to reach into your potential and supercharge your success by re-writing your relationship to systemic self doubt


Looking for a one off session?


This is for you if

You're ready, willing and able to unlock new potential and go boldly after your goals

It's Time

To change your relationship with Systemic Self Doubt and invite more joy and ease into your life

What's Included?

9 week 1:1 intensive HeartHealing® coaching programme to ignite your courageous inner confidence and rewrite your systemic self doubt™️, including:

A 30 Minute deep dive into uncovering the hidden wounds of your heart that crush your confidence and trigger self doubt

4 profound HeartHealing® sessions to deeply and rapidly re-boot your Courageous Confidence and open your heart to more ease, grace and flow

A personalised Heart Imprinting® Audio

And a final 30 minute coaching session


Looking for a One Off Session? 

EXCELLENT! I have a few different options for you which are great ways to gain clarity in your decision making and gain motivation, energy and drive for moving forward with your goals with more ease.

Choose from:

  • A One Off Values Session - great for understanding your needs and getting clarity on your decision making
  • A One Off HeartHealing® session to explore and release one of the biggest blocks in your way
  • Or combine both for a powerful transformational experience 
HeartHealing® SESSION - £550
Combined Package- £995

"We know when there's something deeper blocking our growth and progress. What makes the difference is having the courage to do something about it."


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Here's what previous clients have shared

"HeartHealing was so powerful, I feel so confident! I'm much more visible in my business and no longer  overthinking things. Everything just seems so easy now! I'm more focused, I've set new ambitious goals and I'm so ready for this growth, I fell like I've been waiting for it my whole life!"

Nadine - Professional Coach

"I'm feeling much more confident and ready for new challenges. I'm so proud of myself for speaking up and asking for what I want (and need). In only two months I've grown my team from 2 -4 (I got the resources I asked for) and have had lots of face time with our global team. I've also started running again which is keeping me motivated."

Sian - Marketing Director 


Join me today. This will be unlike any other coaching you may have had before