Clarity brings Confidence and Confidence brings Conviction. Never underestimate the power of Clarity when it comes to Influential, Extraordinary Leadership.
Read on to learn more about developing this Leadership Dimension
What is Clarity when it comes to Influential Leadership?
This Leadership Dimension is all about how clear you are on your values, purpose and direction, and to what extent you use this to take decisive action. When you have clarity it brings you confidence and conviction. You know what you stand for, you know what you need, you know how you want to make a difference. When used in the right way this also inspires confidence in others because you are consistent. People trust consistency, they know where they stand.
The Clarity Checklist
- You know and understand your values and use these to make decisions in your life and career
- You have a clear purpose, a connection to something more meaningful than 'just the 9-5'
- You have a clear vision for your life and career. Not necessarily having it all mapped out but you know where you're heading
- You know what you stand for and what you're passionate about
- You make decisions easily because you trust you're the best person to make them
- You take fast action, you don't procrastinate or over think things
- You are 'secure in your own skin', you feel no need to compare yourself to others
How does Clarity influence my Leadership?
When you are clear on who you are, what your stand for, where you are going and what you want and need you're more able to access feelings of confidence.
You'll have conviction in your ideas and share your opinions openly, because you're secure in them and this enables others to see what you're fully capable of. It gives people the chance to follow your lead and your message.
Clarity enables you to take decisive fast action and this gives you a competitive advantage. You're not slow to respond or losing ground overthinking things. You don't let your best ideas slip by though self doubt. You trust yourself to make the right decision at the right time and this is influence in action.
So long as you bring people with you on your journey (see Leadership Dimension Connection), this decisive, clear confidence inspires confidence in others.
People want to feel safe and being led by someone who knows their purpose, values and mission creates safety - when it's done in conjunction with the other Leadership Dimensions. Failing to listen to others and include people in your decisions will result in this dimension being overused. That's why all 4 Influential Leadership Dimensions are important.
How can I develop my Clarity?
- Firstly reflect on where you are now. Use the checklist above. Which aspects of Clarity are a growth area for you? Which are you doing well already?
- Speak to Leaders who you see doing this well and engage and learn from them - this will also help you with the Connection Leadership Dimension.
- Build reflection time into your calendar so you can work out what's important to you and why you do what you do. If you're feeling some misalignment ask yourself why that is and where it's coming from.
- If you don't know your values and are disconnected from a sense of purpose consider working with me as your coach so you can gain that clarity and use it in your leadership.
- Practice taking focused, fast action and making decisions without overthinking. Be sure to communicate well with others as you do this.
- Start to notice if you find yourself procrastinating or overthinking. What's going on when you're doing this? Are you resisting or avoiding anything?
- If you feel that you lack confidence in some aspects of your leadership, check in with yourself and ask how much of that is to do with not being clear about who you are or what you want?
Coaching is a powerful space for developing Clarity so if this is resonating with you head over to the contact page and request a call with me by filling in the form. I'm happy to offer a free 15 minute chat if you think you could benefit from coaching.
"Coaching is a powerful leadership development tool and the benefits of it are felt in all aspects of life. It's development for the soul"